Monday, March 17, 2008

Hrithik, John and Bipasha launch Watson Fitness

Watson Fitness in Khar introduces Mumbai with two brand new fitness concepts

Watson Fitness is not just another gym; it is a functional training studio that believes in quality, not quantity. That is why you will never find more than five people at a time working out under the expert eagle eye of Zareen Watson, a multiple-certificate holder in various aspects of fitness. When a client walks in through her door, he or she can expect and will get a tailor-made training programme that will bring out the best in his or her body. But while every gym offers personalized training, Watson Fitness' very approach to fitness makes it stand apart from the rest.

"The gym is no longer seen as a place merely to get thin," says Zareen Watson. "Exercise has several medical benefits and is seen as a pathway to good health and a better lifestyle. I do not believe in isolating staying fit from life." To this end the fitness modules she personally designs for her clients are geared towards real-life movements and sport movements.

I am enabling their bodies to carry their strength from the gym to real life. That makes a huge difference." All of Watson's fitness modules comprise six basic targets in mind – balance training, strength training, plyometrics, cardio-vascular, flexibility and core strength. But there are no cookie-cutter modules here – from the moment one walks into the fitness studio one is assessed solely on one's own capabilities and limitations. Located on 20th Road, Khar West, it is deceptively humble on the surface; once the facilities available are experienced, one understands the significance. From one's health history to psychological profiling, every aspect of one's personality is examined before the fitness module is drawn up. One can opt for the regular programme where one is assigned a personal trainer whose attention is focused on only you for the duration of your slot, or the VirboGym programme where a full body workout is achieved through 15 minutes on the machine. Watson Fitness also has a variety of other tools to keep you body as well as your mind engrossed in your fitness activities, like the Core Balls,
Power Slide, Bosu, Stability Swiss Balls and many others.

"We change our modules very often as it is important not to let any part of the body get used to a particular exercise and to keep boredom at bay," says Zareen

This fitness studio is giving a whole new meaning to the word dedication – one can work out there only by appointment. At any given time no more than five clients can work out as there are five personal trainers, and for that one hour, that personal trainer is dedicated to your workout and no one else's. Watson Fitness is all set to revolutionize the fitness scene in India with the introduction of two brand new training modules that will drastically change the way your body will move and the way you and the world look at it.

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